Butterfly House |
Empire State Building |
Since I was going to pick up my grand daughter at JFK Airport, I figured I would also do some birding at
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.
My only other time there was on April 7, 1979 on a field trip for my Bird Identification course I was taking at the University of Bridgeport.
Mute Swan |
Canada Goose |
I walked the trail around the West Pond going as far as teh brreach made by Hurricane Sandy, turned around, back tracked, and then went through the North and South Garden areas back to the Visitor's Center. Also, because of the breach, the West Pond has become brackish.
Forester's Tern (white body) |
Prickly Pear Cactus |
I had forgotten that you can see the New York City skyline from Jamaica
Bay and even saw the new WTC Tower going up as well as the Empire State
Tree Swallow |
Snowy Egret (note yellow feet) |
I had also forgotten how Jamaica Bay is better known for shore birds
than passerines (perching birds) which would explain the numbers that I saw of some
Tree Swallow |
New World Trade Center Tower |
Brant (295), Canada Goose (14), Mute Swan (5), Mallard (3), Shoveler (6), Great Egret (4), Snowy Egret (5), Glossy Ibis (3), Osprey
(2), Herring Gull (8), Great Black-Backed Gull, Forster's Tern (3),
Mourning Dove, Crow, Tree Swallow (30), Robin (7), Mockingbird (2),
Brown Thrasher (2), Yellow Warbler (2), Red-Winged Blackbird (4), Common
Grackle (3)
Glossy Ibis |
Northern Shoveler |
64F; Sunny; Partly Cloudy, Light Breezes; 12:23 - 3:04 pm
Mute Swan |
Yellow Warbler (male) |
Yellow Warbler (male) |