Red-Shouldered being chased |
Flicker |
Last year on Memorial Day, I did about a 7 mile loop in Woodbury as I was working on my Hometown Big Year. So even though I am not doing a Big Year, I thought it would be good to repeat the loop and see what's out there.
Basically, the loop was from my house down Cat Swamp Road to Tuttle Road to Trolley Bed Road then back to Route 64 to Old Sherman Road to Bacon Pond Road to Ash Swamp Road to Middle Road Turnpike then home.
Mockingbird |
Hawk and Red-Winged Blackbird |
The highlights were: Red-Shouldered Hawk being chased by Red-Winged Blackbirds, a Broad-Winged Hawk, Eastern Kingbird, and a Prairie Warbler (heard that ascending buzz). In all, I saw 35 species.
Turkey Vulture |
Northern Oriole |
SPECIES: Canada Goose (6), Wood Duck (male), Turkey, Turkey Vulture (2), Red-Shouldered Hawk, Broad-Winged Hawk, Mourning Dove (7), Chimney Swift, Red-Bellied Woodpecker (2), Hairy Woodpecker (2), Northern Flicker, Eastern Phoebe (4), Eastern Kingbird, Blue Jay (3), American Crow (6), Tree Swallow (4), Barn Swallow, Black-Capped Chickadee (3), Tufted Titmouse (4), Eastern Bluebird (male), American Robin (6), Gray Catbird (7), Northern Mockingbird, European Starling (2), Yellow Warbler (2), Prairie Warbler, American Redstart (2), Chipping Sparrow (2), Song Sparrow (3), Northern Cardinal (female), Northern (Baltimore) Oriole (male), and Red-Winged Blackbird (7)
Oriole |
Turkey Vulture |
DATA: 9:14 am - 1:30pm; 54F/64F; clear; sunny; slight breeze; low humidity
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